Monday, December 1, 2008

Another quick update

Wow. Since I blogged last,
I have worked a lot of overtime,
Jeremy has worked more overtime,
we somehow went totally broke (probably due to the last class I paid for but it still doesn't add up, but paid tithing anyway, so now we have no money for a week and a half, livin' on mac 'n' cheese and turkey soup)
I am very glad we have a bit of savings so we can pay rent! Textbook is going to have to wait though.
I did a balance transfer of our single horrible store credit card balance to one very nice low rate regular credit card, so we will save literally hundreds on interest this year alone, and once that is paid off we will have this one card for emergencies. And my credit monitoring report told me there was a change when I got the card so good job, credit monitoring thing, lol.
Chloe is walking!!!! Completely, totally walking with that super-wide baby stance.
My sewing machine died as I was getting ready to sew all holiday for my store opening. Hah. Hah.
A friend left his Kung Fu Panda DVD here and the girls are now in love.
We might have a newer, cleaner RPGing group in the works. Yay!

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